Introduction #
Infrastructure Layer in Domain Driven Design is a layer that contains
external services such as Database, Messaging System, and Email Services etc.
So mainly this layer contains the whole external services logic.
Commands #
The list of commands that can you use for structuring your Domain Driven Design project.
Event #
Command for generate an Event class to your project.
Command #
php artisan infrastructure:make:event PostEvent Post
Arguments #
Name | Description |
Name | Event name class |
Domain | Domain Name |
Options #
Name | Description |
--force | Force create the Event class |
Factory #
Command for generate a Factory class.
This command would generate two files :
- Factory Concrete at Infrastructure/{DomainName}/Database/Factories
- Factory Contract at Domain/Shared/Contracts/Database/Factories
The bottom of reason why we did this, cause Factories is an Infrastructure component then
Domain can’t consume any stuff inside Infrastructure, so you can do Dependency Injection
at Service Provider for resolve this one.
Command #
php artisan infrastructure:make:factory RoleFactory User
Arguments #
Name | Description |
Name | Factory Name |
Domain | Domain Name |
Options #
Name | Description |
--force | Force create the Factory class |
Listener #
Command for generate a Listener class to your project.
Command #
php artisan infrastructure:make:listener PostListener Post
Arguments #
Name | Description |
Name | Listener name class |
Domain | Domain Name |
Options #
Name ` | Description |
--event=NameEvent | For create Event class and use it into Listener class |
--force | Force create the Listener class |
Mail #
Command for generate a Mail class.
This command will generate Mail class into Infrastructure side because this class
purpose is store to external.
Command #
php artisan infrastructure:make:mail ApprovedUser User
Arguments #
Name | Description |
Name | Mail name class |
Domain | Domain Name |
Options #
Name | Description |
--force | Force create the Mail class |
Observer #
Command for generate an Observer class to your project.
Command #
php artisan infrastructure:make:observer UserObserver User
Arguments #
Name | Description |
Name | Observer name class |
Domain | Domain Name |
Options #
Name | Description |
--force | Force create the Observer class |
Seeder #
Command for generate a Seeder class.
This command will generate Seeder class into Infrastructure because this class
purpose is to insert a test data into table.
Command #
php artisan infrastructure:make:seeder UserSeeder User
Arguments #
Name | Description |
Name | Seeder name class |
Domain | Domain Name |
Options #
Name | Description |
--force | Force create the Seeder class |
Provider #
Command for generate a Service Provider class.
This command will generate Service Provider class into Infrastructure to binds
between Domain and Infrastructure.
Command #
php artisan infrastructure:make:provider FactoryServiceProvider User
Arguments #
Name | Description |
Name | Service Provider name class |
Domain | Domain Name |
Options #
Name | Description |
--force | Force create the Service Provider class |